Friday, 19 August 2016

World War Two Was a Charade - The Proof!

Martin Bormann, who signed Hitler's pay checks and knew everything about the Nazi war effort, was an Allied spy. The book "Op JB" (1996) by John Ainsworth-Davis describes in detail  his rescue by the British from the ruins of Berlin in April 1945. 


While most Nazis were sincere, the movement was sponsored and controlled at the top by the Masonic Jewish bankers in order to start a war to kill "goyim" patriots on both sides and advance world government. Non-Illuminati Jews were also sacrificed in this evil agenda.

The second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, Martin Bormann, Hitler's Private Secretary and Head of the Nazi Party apparatus, was an Illuminati (i.e. British) agent who ensured the destruction of both Germany and European Jewry.
Thus, he advanced two of the Illuminati's main goals: integrate Germany into a world government by annihilating its national, cultural and racial pretensions, and establish Israel by threatening European Jews with extinction.

When I first made this case in June 2007, a reader suggested I read the book "OPJB,"(1996) Lieut. Commander John Ainsworth-Davis' account of how he and Ian Fleming led a 150-man team that rescued Martin Bormann from war-torn Berlin on May 1, 1945 using river kayaks. According to this book, Bormann lived under an assumed identity in England until 1956 before dying in Paraguay in 1959. 

According to Creighton, Martin Bormann was actually sitting in a private visitor's gallery at the Nuremberg Trial when he was condemned to death in absentia!

The cover story was that Bormann supposedly would help the Allies retrieve Nazi wartime plunder and return it to its rightful owners. If you believe that, I have some swampland in Florida. Bormann had been an Illuminati British agent all along and was largely responsible for the Nazi defeat.
According to Creighton, Martin Bormann was actually sitting in a private visitor's gallery at the Nuremberg Trial when he was condemned to death in absentia! - See more at:


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