Synopsis: if you want brittle teeth, a hip replacement, depression, sleeplessness, no more dreams, no intuition, no ceativity, no connection to your world; take sodium Fluoride.
Talking to people around me, I’m astounded that practically no one has an idea about the effects of the poison Fluoride, Sodium Fluoride, Fluor oxide.
Organic fluoride exists in nature in infinite quantities and does not have an effect on us.
First of all, it needs to be stated that the 'substance' referred to as 'Fluoride' is a misnomer - there is no such substance listed in the periodic chart of the elements, nor in the prestigious CRC handbook, nor in the sacred 'bible' of the pharmaceutical industry - the illustrious 'Merck Index'. Instead, we find a GAS called Fluorine - and from the use of this gas in various industries such as aluminium manufacturing and the nuclear industry -certain toxic by-products are created which have 'captured' fluorine molecules. One such toxic, poisonous 'by-product' is called sodium Fluoride - which according to the Merck Index is primarily used as rat and cockroach poison and is also the active ingredient in most toothpastes and as an "additive to drinking water". But sadly, there is much more to this sordid tale.
Did you know that sodium Fluoride is also one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin Nerve Gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUORIDE).
Sodium Fluoride is nothing more (or less) than a hazardous waste by-product of the nuclear and aluminium industries. In addition to being the primary ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, it is also a main ingredient in anesthetic, hypnotic, and psychiatric drugs as well as military NERVE GAS!
A couple of grams of Fluor will stop your heart muscle from functioning and thus stops your heart. Period. It is even very difficult to find the origin of the heart ‘failure’. (Mafia assassinations without a trace). The lab test for finding poisoning by Fluor are very expensive and can only be carried out by specialised labs.
Most of the Fluoride based products today come from China, totally uncontrolled, and are added to water, toothpaste and many pharmaceutical products. The handling of the product is very toxic, thus from China.
Fluoride was the key chemical in atomic bomb production.
Adverse health effects from fluoride was censored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).
In 1944 it was already clear that the Fluoride component of nuclear test had a very negative effect on the human nervous system, to a point that a warning was given to check workers in the program for erratic behaviour! Large pastures of crops were contaminated, provoking disastrous health to humans, animals and food.
A couple of facts
- Moderate fluor application provokes dental fluorosis, white spots on the front teeth and dark spots in more severe cases. (80% of children = brittle teeth)
Dentists are in on the scam and can provoke with a fluor treatment long lasting grave delibitating diseases in treated persons. On toothpase is a warning "keep away from children" and do not ingest.
- Fluoride accumulates in the bones (stress fractures and bone damage)
- Animal studies, Mullenix and co-workers conducted at Forsyth in the early 1990's indicated that fluoride was a powerful central nervous system (CNS) toxin, and might adversely affect human brain functioning, even at low doses. (diminished I.Q.)
- During WWII the chemists had developed a scheme.
"This scheme was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water. In this scheme, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place.
"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotising a certain area of the brain (pineal gland), and will thus make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.
"Both the Germans and the Russians added fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile."
Interestingly, it turns out that Alcoa transferred its sodium fluoride production technology to Germany in 1939 under the Alted Agreement, and Dow Chemical Company transmitted its experience and technology to Germany during the same period.
So, we have the U.S. transmitting technology to Germany before the war that allows Germany to experiment on select elements of the European population, and then after the war Nazi scientists and the results of experiments are brought back to the United States under Operation Paperclip. Clever, no?
- The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children's teeth. If this were the real reason, there are many ways in which it could be done which are much easier, cheaper and far more effective. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination, control and loss of liberty."
"When the Nazis decided to go into Poland, the German General Staff and the Russian General Staff exchanged scientific and military ideas, plans and personnel. The scheme of mass control through water medication was seized upon by the Russian Communists because it fitted ideally into their plans to communise the world. I say this in all earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorides. Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically."
- "Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotising a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.
- Sodium fluoride shortens our life span, promotes various cancers and mental disturbances, and most importantly, makes humans stupid, docile, infertile and subservient. Osteocaroma, bone cancer, brittle hips.
- Even in very small quantities, sodium fluoride is a deadly poison to which no effective antidote has been found.
- Fluoridated drinking water destroys teeth before adulthood and after,
"Fluoridation of water systems can be slow national suicide, or quick national liquidation. It is criminal insanity ------- treason!!" Signed: Dr. E.H. Bronner, Research Chemist, Los Angeles
- Recurring intake (1,2 ppm) of Fluor provokes a goiter, an increase of the tyroid gland (iodine deficiency)
- All the fluor ‘safety’ studies undertaken by the university of Rochester had only one purpose to cover up for the damage done by the Manhattan Project to the population of farmers and thus turn the use of Fluoride as a safe and beneficial chemical.
A study of the dental and physical health of workers in a factory producing fluoride for the A-bomb program, conducted by a team of dentists from the Manhattan Project.
The secret version reports that most of the men had no teeth left.
The published version reports only that the men had fewer cavities.
The secret version says the men had to wear rubber boots because the fluoride fumes disintegrated the nails in their shoes.
The published version does not mention this.
The secret version says the fluoride may have acted similarly on the men's teeth, contributing to their toothlessness.
The published version omits this statement.
- ‘Fluor’ calcifies the pineal gland: our 3rd eye, ‘producer’ of DMT, our connection to the other dimensions and dreams, producer of serotonin for healthy sleep, our intuition, human awakening, free will, our creativity, connection to our stored DNA information.
(The exact poisoning induced by anti-depressants. After 2 months of anti-depressants you’ll never be the same again, sadly forever.)
Just do your own research and you’ll be astounded to discover one of the many crimes of the century.
Stay away from this poison (would you take cyanide after breakfast?) and stay healthy.
Roy /Dakote
The sordid early history on Fluoride. Mind boggling
Excellent article by a Dr. on teeth health. A must read!!!