Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Brief and Turbulent History of the Khazarian Mafia in Russia and Asia

Ever since Putin first came to power in 2000, he has proven himself largely immune to Jewish-Zionist machinations—much to their chagrin.


If flaming Neocon David Horowitz is right, that the Khazarian Mafia and their puppets “have played a disproportionate role as leaders of the modern revolutionary movements in Europe and the West,”then one shouldn’t be surprised that the same wicked people have tried to bring down Russia over the centuries.
According to Horowitz, over the centuries the Khazarian Mafia and their gangsters have attempted to “fulfill the messianic prophecies of the pre-Enlightenment,” which always created trouble in Europe. Those “messianic prophecies” were arguably hatched from Talmudic mores and customs, and they have brought nothing but misery upon the world. The Revolution of 1848, The Russian Revolution, Mao’s Great Leap Forward, Ho Chi Minh’s communist movement in Vietnam, Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, and more recently perpetual wars in the Middle East are classic manifestations of those “messianic prophecies.”

Virtually all the major Asian countries were infected by those ideological viruses. Moreover, many of the Asian revolutionaries were dragged into these messianic prophecies without even really understanding what was going on. Oh Chi Minh in particular had a superficial knowledge of Russia before 1920. In fact, he knew very little about the October Revolution. In fact,
“Confucian scholars and revolutionaries such as Phan Boi Chau, Phan Chu Trinh, Huynh Thuc Khang, Tran Qui Cap heard of Russia through the Tsushima naval battle in 1905. Ho Chi Minh lived in Paris without knowing that Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky had lived there. He did not know that Lenin founded a school for revolutionaries near Paris in 1911.
“He learned some lessons of history on the revolutionary of 1848, the Commune de Paris (1871), and socialist revolution after World War I from Jules Raveau. Ho Chin Minh became Communist without neither knowing Karl Marx nor reading his Communist Manifesto and his Das Kapital. He confessed that nationalism led him to Leninism and to the Comintern [Communist International].”
But once Ho Chin Minh had fallen under Lenin’s spell, everything changed. He even admitted in his journal that he did not even understand the Leninist movement and its ideological terms, but “by reading them again finally I was able to grasp the essential part. What emotion, enthusiasm, enlightenment and confidence they communicated to me! I swept for joy. Sitting myself in my room, I would shout as if I were addressing large crowds: ‘Dear Martyr compatriots! This is what we need, this is the path to liberation!’”

Soon, Lenin became Ho Chi Minh’s
“father, master, comrade and advisor. In the 20th century Ho Chi Minh was the first Vietnamese to introduce Marxism-Leninism into Vietnam…Some Russian terms were Vietnamized and used in Vietnam since the 1920s. We have:
“xa hoang (tsar), Bon-xe-vit (Bolshevik), Men-xe-vit (Menshevik), ku-lac (kulak), Xi-ta-ka-nop (Stakanov, Xo-viet (Soviet), Kom-so-mon ) Kommunistticheskii Soyuz Molodezhi), etc.”
Ho Chi Minh was so enthralled by Lenin’s ideology that he specifically chose the Russian name Lin.
To make a long story short, Lin was obviously a victim of “messianic prophecies.” As Civilta Cattolica had predicted more than a century ago, whenever a country or individual or groups of people reject metaphysical Logos, they will inexorably end up being ruled by the Khazarian Mafia and their corrosive ideology. Lin, who obviously knew very little about the Catholic Church, ended up hating it and persecuting its adherents around 1954.[4] But his terrorist activity began to create panic around 1945 and 1946.
“In the rural areas many tri, phu, dia, hao (intellectuals, rich people, landlords, local notables) were beheaded or buried alive… Ho Chi Minh’s Communist competitors such as Le Hong Phong, Ho Tung Mau, Tran Phu were detained or killed by the French.”[5]
Once again, this is not all. The “messianic prophecies” moved to Cambodia, where they grabbed Pol Pot by the hair and taught him how to liquidate his population. Pot was trained as a Communist and ended up killing 1.7 million people. He eventually committed suicide.[6]
What were the purpose of all those “messianic prophecies”? Death and destruction. Their apologists wanted to raze countries to the ground and reduced them to rubble. As the revolutionary Jew Willi Munzenberg put it,
“We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western Civilization stink! Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.”

The Khazarian Mafia obviously wanted to make Russia in particular “stink.” That’s what the Bolshevik Revolution was basically about. But obviously they failed. Vladimir Putin has recently conflicted the “messianic prophecies.” But how did the Khazarian Mafia end up creating chaos in Russia? Professor Thomas Dalton has the story.

Vladimir Lenin

Thomas Dalton: America’s relationship with Russia is obviously of great political importance, but it also is highly revealing—particularly with respect to global Jewry. But to put the situation in context, we need a bit of history.
Russia came into being in 1547 under Ivan the Terrible, but was not a recognized world power until the early 1700s.  When the United States of America was founded, it was anxious to establish good relations with all major nations, Russia included. Thus came a series of important Russian treaties, most notable being the US-Russia Trade Pact of 1832, under Czar Nicholas I. This guaranteed “reciprocal liberty of commerce and navigation” on both sides, and allowed mutual entry of citizens.  For the rest of the 19th century, it was the basis for peaceful and friendly relations between the two growing world powers.
But the Jews of Russia were not happy. They wanted more access to power and greater legal rights there, but the czars were having none of that.  Then in 1881, some Jewish anarchists and a few accomplices managed to assassinate Czar Alexander II.[7] His son, Alexander III, inaugurated a series of reprisals and pogroms against the Jews, which persisted until his death in 1894. He was succeeded by his son, Czar Nicholas II—the last czar of imperial Russia.
In any case, Russia’s Jews hated all the czars, and wanted nothing more than to bring down the despised House of Romanov. So, in time-honored fashion, they appealed to their international brethren for help.
First, Jewish American media was more than ready to assist. The Jewish-owned New York Times obliged by exaggerating every news story out of Russia.  The killing of 47 Jews in 1903, for example, became “the Kishinev massacre” in which “120” died.  In March 1905, the NYT reported on their “6,000,000 cringing [Jewish] brothers in Russia.”
If this sounds like another holocaust—it was.  Literally. In November of that year, American Jew Simon Wolf “appealed to President Roosevelt,” asking “how long the Russian holocaust is to continue.”  By March 1906, Russian Jews were subject to “systematic and murderous extermination,” according to the NYT.  (Sound familiar?)
On 18 September 1911, a Jewish assassin, Mordekhai Gershkovich, murdered Russian Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin.  This naturally brought even harsher recriminations from Czar Nicholas, including the halting of entry into his country of all American Jews.
For American Jews, this was the last straw.  They were determined to attack Russia by abrogating the Trade Treaty of 1832.  Beginning in early 1910, a handful of American Zionist Jews—including Louis Marshall, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, Henry Morgenthau Sr., and Louis Brandeis—applied fierce pressure to Congress and President Taft.
The New York Times cooperated by running Jewish horror stories out of Russia, to sway public opinion. To make a long story short, they succeeded, and Taft signed the abrogation bill on 20 December 1911. Thus did the American government, for the first time ever, capitulate to international Jewry.[1] The situation has only grown worse since then.
Russian Jews, though, were just warming up. Quarter-Jew Vladimir Lenin joined forces with full-Jew Leon Trotsky to establish the Bolshevik party in 1903.  It was dominated by Jews, and they took advantage of the ouster of Nicholas II in February 1917 to launch their own Bolshevik revolution in October, thus taking charge of the nation.
In early 1919, the London Times reported that “of the 20 or 30 leaders who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not less than 75% are Jews.”  In 1920, Winston Churchill wrote that “the majority of the leading figures are Jews.”  It was the Jewish Bolsheviks who, in July 1918, brutally murdered Nicholas II and his entire family. And it was this Jewish-Bolshevik threat that motivated Adolf Hitler to enter politics.[8]
Via Lenin and Trotsky, Jews ruled Russia through the early 1920s. Then in 1922 non-Jew Joseph Stalin, working in conjunction with two Jews, Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev, pushed out the ailing Lenin.  Stalin then proceeded to purge Soviet leadership of Jews, and by the late 1920s he had largely succeeded.  By then, the Russian people had had their fill of Jews, and the bad taste has lingered to the present day.
But the Jews never lost their hatred of Russian society. Working through Franklin Delano Roosevelt and then Harry Truman, American Jews did everything possible to threaten, punish, and intimidate the Russians. Though allies in WW2, we quickly parted ways, and we have viewed them ever since as “the enemy.”

This brings us to the present day.  Ever since Putin first came to power in 2000, he has proven himself largely immune to Jewish-Zionist machinations—much to their chagrin.  He is not openly hostile to the Jews, and generally seems to be on good relations with them.  But he does not buckle to their demands.  Putin puts Russia first. 
Putin can afford to be generous because Jewish influence in Russia is minimal.  He must deal with the “oligarchs”—nearly all Jewish billionaires—but the military, government, and media are mostly free of their influence.  Russia has only 0.13% Jews among its population, well below the global average of 0.18%, and only a fraction of America’s 1.8%.  This allows Putin sufficient independence of thought and action.
America’s “allies,” by contrast, must yield to Jewish-Zionist demands even if their own nations are relatively free of them, simply because the US applies so much financial and military leverage to keep them in line.  Any nation outside this sphere of influence—Russia, China, Iran, Syria, North Korea—is viewed as an enemy and a threat.  The problem is not that they actually threaten true American interests—they don’t—but simply that they don’t cave in to US demands.
Of course, we never hear it this way from our American media.  They are, more than ever, dominated by Jewish-Zionist influence.  The top six media conglomerates—which include all the major news channels—are Jewish or Zionist controlled:

Time-Warner (Bewkes, Zucker), Disney (Iger), 21st Century Fox (Murdoch family), Viacom (Redstone, Daumann), CBS (Redstone, Moonves), and Comcast/NBC (Roberts, Cohen, Lazarus, Greenblatt). Arthur Sulzberger owns and runs the NYT. Weymouth and Baron run the Washington Post.  Murdoch runs the Wall Street Journal.  Zuckerman runs the NY Daily News.  Newhouse runs the Conde Nast empire.  On the tech side, we have, of course, Google (Brin and Page), Facebook (Zuckerberg and Sandberg), Oracle (Ellison), and Dell (Dell).  I could go on and on.

The Jewish-American media machine loves to have enemies, and so it focuses on Russia, China, and the Muslims. These are perpetually demonized.  Congress, which is bought and paid for by the Jewish Lobby, complies with antagonistic legislation and verbal belligerence.  Obama, whose rise to power was funded by Jews out of Chicago, falls right in line.
And the military, sadly, takes any enemy it can get, simply to justify its own vast budget and sheer existence.  Thus, all the key players align, and we have perpetual war against “terrorism,” against “Putin the dictator,” and against “Chinese imperialism.”

 …by Jonas E. Alexis & Thomas Dalton

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