Saturday 13 July 2024

Dogs are carnivores and never vegetarians

Dogs are carnivores and never vegetarians

The intestins of dogs (and cats) are a complete different digestive system from humans.

Giving dogs dry food will slowly deteriorate their health. Dry food is made of mainly wheat, some meat, mostly left overs fallen on the floors of meat processing plants and to make it keep they add all kinds of chemicals.

In the current net zero war it is decided that pets should be eradicated, thus now in the pet food are added aluminim, cadmium, strontium, barium and many other chemical substances.

They will not live long on such a diet and develop all kinds of strange diseases, arthrosis and so called cancers.

Current vets have drawers full of pharma pills to accelerate the process.

My little dog, probably 5-6 years old was deteriorating under a car, probably his owner died and he was kicked in the street.

He was brought to us hardly standing on his trembling 4 paws with a bag of dry food and a bag of pills.

He was suffering of deadly Leishmaniasis and lyme disease. And scared of everything. He felt ok in a amazon box with a little curtain. It took 2 months for him to leave the box behind and sleep on his carped.

The dry food and the pills went into the bin.

We treated him with MMS (sodium dioxide) 2 drops 4x a day, green clay in his water, CBD oil on his skin.

His only food we gave: raw cow heart, raw beef, sometimes a bit of raw liver and chicken stomachs.

After 2 weeks he was running again, barking and a happy dog. still scared of a broom and a bit scared of stroking him.

After 10 months we had a blood test done and tested negative for Leishmaniasis and Lyme disease, the vet could not understand this. I did not explain to save troubling the vet.

He is still eating his raw meats, regularly a nice bone with some meat on it, some nigella, magnesium and boron. In his water always a tiny bit of clay (like bentonite or montmorillionite).

Easy test put a bowl of clean water and a bowl with clean water and a bit of clay. He will only drink the clay water.

If you cannot find MMS then give your dog once in while ivermectin.

And above all be nice and give him/her enough exercise and let them play.

In return you receive loads of love 

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Chlorine Dioxide and Biotin the Super ANTIBIOTICS to Replace Big Pharma’s Expensive Poisons


Dr SIRCUS: Chlorine Dioxide and Biotin the Super ANTIBIOTICS to Replace Big Pharma’s Expensive Poisons – BY 2050, Superbugs Could Kill 10 Million People a Year

Chlorine Dioxide and Biotin the Super ANTIBIOTICS to Replace Big Pharma’s Expensive Poisons – BY 2050, Superbugs Could Kill 10 Million People a Year

Dr Sircus; all you need to know


Friday 22 December 2023


My story: I was born with a piece missing between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae. Always living in pain. Roll out of bed on all fours and slowly getting up. Often walking with a stick. Then my legs became practically paralyzed.
I found one of the 1st chiropractors in Holland and he put me back on my feet. Then for 35 years I went to see a chiropractor every 2 weeks. I moved 5 times country and traveled a lot, with always a chiropractor close by on my list.
One day by simply picking up my keys that fell on the floor I dislocated a disk and was completely stuck with a dangerous hernia. I had an excellent chiropractor/acupuncturist, who spend 5 days to get the disk back in place. Even he was quite surprised.
He told me to get some rest so I went to my other apartment, which had a workout center close by.
Went there and met a young gym instructor, who told me do not touch any of the machines,
come with me and I’ll show you an exercise.
He showed me a simple breathing exercise to press the belly muscles by expiring under the ribs.
Looked like nothing and simple.
Since then, 25 years I have had no more back pain and have not seen a chiropractor since. I’m 76 still climbing trees, sawing and splitting wood, no problem.


Lie on you back on a flat surface, pull up your legs with feet on the ground,
your arms along the body,
your shoulders and head limp, no contraction.
Then you breathe in (belly breathing) and while expelling your breath with force,
you push/pull the abdomen/belly muscles as hard as you can (not moving your shoulders)
upwards under your midriff.
When you got it right you feel a stretching of you spine and some ribs that might make crackling noises. You got it right then.
Do this a couple of times a day till you feel to get it right and feel these hidden muscles stretch.
After some days you’ll find you can do this exercise in any position.

Like I do it often sitting or even riding my motorbike or walking the dog.

We have strong muscles on the back that we use most of the time.
But there are also muscles on the inside of the spine, which are hardly ever used. Result is an imbalance between these muscle groups. This often results in vertebrates being pulled out of line, specially when carrying heavy objects or lifting objects with the back and not with the help of the knees.
Slightly dislocated vertebrates provoke muscles to readjust to these wrong positions and creating a permanent ache and often pinching of one of the many nerves that pass through the spine.
By reinforcing the muscles on the inside of the spine by the above exercise, one creates a balance between front and back muscles and thus keeping the spine properly aligned and encapsulated in strong muscles and vertebrates are locked in place.

If you look up exercises for the back and the spine they ALL concern reinforcing the outer back muscles and some flexibility.
NONE concern the muscles on the inner spine. Thus creating an imbalance.
There is your secret.


My story; 20 years ago X-rays showed I had no cartilage left in one knee, terrible pain, hardly walking. I refused a knee replacement, because it does not really solve the problem, except for the surgeons fees.
I used for a long time Synflex and it helped a lot, could walk again and after 8 months 3mm cartilage had grown back. Doctor was astounded!
I take 3mg boron and 400mg magnesium citrate daily. (these elements are hardly in our food anymore)
I also bought a Tesla bio healing box and it helps amazingly for sleeping without restless legs and knee pain.

And now I discovered a very simple exercise to really help the knees straight, flexible and walkable.

You can do this exercise sitting in a chair, lying in bed or on the beach, etc.
Either with the heel on the ground or with the leg lifted off the ground:
Turn you foot around the ankle in fluid motion to the right and also to the left.
Do this for a minute or so and do it regularly during the day, evening and night (when awake).
After a while you can feel the knee getting more supple and specially the ligaments, muscles and it liberates the nerves.
The ankle joint might do a crack ones in a while, which also liberates the nerves there.
Easy peasy.


Monday 31 July 2023

Knee pain and osteoarthrititis

 About 20 years ago after having X-rays done the surgeon told me the knee is gone, no more cartilage left, better we do a replacement knee operation. I refused. I have been using Synflex, magnesium and Boron since, which helps a lot and at least 3mm cartilage has grown back.

Some 10 years ago I had a MRI of the knees done for a probable intervention and I really noticed after the MRI I had no pain for at least 3 weeks!

Now 23 years later and getting older I was thinking about the magnetic effect and came up with an idea that seems to work wonders. I often still have pain walking and often also when lying in bed, which really stops you from sleeping.

What relieved pain and especially when lying in bed:

I use a small zapper (based on the Hulda Clark zapper) from a company now located in Africa.
I attach the zapper with it stretch adjustable band on the knee and then stick on both sides under the stretch a strong magnet and let it zap for some hours.
The effect is really astonishing, free movement, easier walking and no pain lying in bed.

view top zapper magnet on the left


view right with 2nd magnet













The zapper I am using  here is the El silverado from

I hope it helps you with the inconvenience of all joint pain.

Jigme Dawa

Friday 7 July 2023

How to remedy Brain Fog

Brain fog is enhanced by chemtrail poisons (aluminium, Barium, etc), wifi, microwave fields from 4G and 5G.
Many people are having more often these symptoms of a foggy brain, not remembering names, or just having the name of something on the tong, but cannot pronouce it, forgetting many things to do, having to make a list of chores, not able to simple calculate, spelling and grammar mistakes etc.
It comes also with age, but we find it now also with the younger population. It is a form of light dementia.

It seems that the external poisons affect the hippocampi an important gland in the brain that creates brain cells and connections to say it simple.

There are some natural remedies that can help with this handicap and restore memory and brain speed.

L-glutamine  -  for brain balance, brain connection with the bowels, restores bio availability in the                                   bowels, relieves muscle pain and builds muscles. (get pure powder with no additives)

Ginko bilboa    new cells thru neuro-genesis and helps for arthritis, circulation, heart disease,                                              inflammation, dementia, anxiety, brain function, depression, eye health, migraine, asthma,
                          sexual dis-function.

Hyperforin       from St. johns Wort   -  protects hippocampi, helps neuro transmitters (can negatively
                            interact with pharmaceuticals)

Bacopa Monnieri   or  water hyssop -    memory benefit  brain tonic  processing speed , alzheimer,                                             epilepsi, chronic pain, blood pressure regulator, ADHD, schizophrenia

Acetylcholine      or choline present in meats, fish, eggs, fruits  -  neuro transmitter  for good memory

Huperzia Serrata
Huperzine A            anti dementia used in China

Acetyl L-Carnitine     amino acid   for aging brains

Do your research to see what is best for you and check for negative interaction with medication.

Jigme Dawa

Saturday 27 May 2023

Les supplements pour diminuer les effets negatifs du Vax covid

 Le vax contre le Covid19 non existent à été développé par DARPA (département du Pentagon) dans les années 90 et ensuite distribué aux labos pharma comme Pfizer, Moderna, J&J.
C'est une arme contre la population et fait partie du 3ème guerre mondial de dépopulation.


Les supplements necessaires pour remedier a nos troubles:

Pour aider a eliminer les proteine spike et graphene introduit par le vax convide:
Argile vert ultra ventilee:     petite cuillière NON METALLIQUE dans un vere d’eau et boire
        elimine les parasites, les metaux et substances chimiques par magnetisme.
Zinc:        50mg jour
Vitamine C:    4000 mg jour
Vitamine D3:      gelules et mieux le soleil
Huile de CBD
MMS:   sodium dioxide   4 goutes 2-3 fois par jour
          acheter chez  (pays bas)  acheter par 3 sets de 2 flacons
Nigella sativa:     graines dans le the et salade
NAC   N-acetylsteine
L-glutatione: diminuer l'effet du mRNA


Genéral pour la bonne santé

Bicarbonate de sodium:    1 cuiliaire dans un verre d’eau. Pour corriger l’acide dans le corps lequel doit etre 7+. Si le Ph est correct pas de maladies, point. mesurer avec un papier Ph dans l’urine.

L-glutamine   4gr par jour   pour meilleur bioculture des intestins, la foie, reduction d’acide urique, amelioration de l’arthrose, renforcement des muscles, amelioration du cerveau.
A combiner avec viamine B-complex.   

Boron   3 - 9 mg par jour   reconstution des cartilages et os    

Margnesium Citric:    400mg par jour    pour articulations, les os, nerves, sciatique
Curcuma:     dans la nourriture
Synflex:    flacon liquide complexe de glucosamine, 1 dose par jour flacon pour un mois.
Le cayenne pour le coeur

origines de crise cardiaques

Tuesday 21 February 2023

The Greatest Human SECRET. "This Is The Sacred Secret" INSTANT THIRD EYE ACTIVATION

The Greatest Human SECRET. Version 2 of "This Is The Sacred Secret" INSTANT THIRD EYE ACTIVATION


Thursday 26 May 2022



Dr. robert Young
The Most Important Scientific Article I Have Ever Written!

What Causes Cancer, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Diabetes, MS, Lupus, Dementia, Sepsis, Multiple Sclerosis, Flu, IBS, HIV, Ebola, Spanish Flu, Corona, Polio, Measles, Small Pox, Chicken Pox or Monkey Pox and the list goes on and on and on?

A rise in the alkalinity of the blood plasma above pH 7.365 (alkaline phosphate)–any rise–is a result or a compensatory reaction due to over-acidity in the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium (I call this dis-ease latent tissue acidosis) as the blood attempts to maintain its delicate pH balance at 7.365.

There is no exception for the rule of alkalinity!

Monday 5 April 2021

The Connection Between 5G and the Corona Virus

 Robert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

How is Electromagnetic Frequency(EMF)Radiation Connected to the 'Corona Effect'?

Is 5G EMF radiation poisoning harmful to humans?

What is the 5G System & Radiation Poisoning

The 5G system is a WiGig wireless network that operates in the 60GHz spectrum with download speeds of up to 10 Gbps compared to the 4G download speed of 10 Mbps.

However, the frequency of 60 GHz is the frequency at which oxygen molecules oscillate. At 60 GHz, 98% of the transmitted 5G energy will be absorbed by atmospheric oxygen which then alters the orbital properties of the electrons of the oxygen molecules.

 Full article:


Sunday 21 March 2021

Exactly WHO or WHAT is behind the wholesale destruction of the entire planetary civilization?

Exactly WHO or WHAT is behind the wholesale destruction of the entire planetary civilization?


comme proposé par chaque gouvernement détenu et payé par la Cabale KZ

- Destruction de toutes les infrastructures sociales et les événements
- Détruisez le temps et environnement avec la géo-ingénierie
- Pandémie avec des maladies parasitaires conçues en laboratoire
  qui tuent les personnes âgées et infirmes
- Pour accélérer les tueries, mettre les malades sous ventilateurs
- Supprimez tous les remèdes bon marchés simples qui fonctionnent
- Bombardez tout le monde avec de mauvaises nouvelles pour les rendre effrayés et malades
- Interdire tous les contacts sociaux et discussions pour éliminer la dissidence
- Détruisez la vie des enfants avec des masques, pas jouer, pas d'éducation
- Imposer une injection qui n'est pas un vaccin mais une reprogrammation du génome humain
  et du comportement, incluant des nanoprocesseurs cellulaires pour un contrôle total
- Injectez un faux vaccination aux personnes que vous souhaitez garder vivant
- Installez la 5G dans toutes les villes pour contrôler / tuer des personnes
  grâce à des nanoprocesseurs injectés
- Ne pas traiter les personnes malades pour d'autres affections ou maladies non Convid84
- Fautez tous les chiffres des infections, des décès et des effets secondaires des injections
- Donnez aux criminels pharmaceutiques appartenant à la KZ une gratuité pour tous, payez-leur des  
  milliards et libérez les de toute poursuite pour génocide
- Payer les primes aux hôpitaux et médecins pour aider la pandémie et les injections
- Protéger tous les satanic pédofiles et les pédo-organisations
- Continuez à imprimer de l'argent sans support jusqu'à la dévaluation totale
- Empêcher toutes les petites entreprises de fonctionner, provoquer une faillite totale
- Énoncez chaque jour de nouvelles lois non logiques insensées
- Détruire tous les transports, la nourriture et les nécessités deviendront rares
- Des milliards de dons aux sociétés KZ criminelles multinationales
- Deposez tout l'argent aux banques et aux fausses organisations FMI, ONU, OMS, OTAN
- Mettre de l'argent dans des bombes nucléaires inexistantes pour disparaître dans les poches de
- Laissez les banques créer de la fausse monnaie numérique pour un faux revenu qui peut être enlevé




as proposed by every cabal KZ owned & paid government

- Destroy all social infrastructure and events
- Destroy the weather with geo-engineering
- Pandemic with lab engineered parasitic diseases that kill old and infirm people
- To speed up the killing put sick people on ventilators
- Take away all simple cheap working and natural remedies
- Bombard everyone with bad news to make them scared and sick
- Forbid all social contacts and discussions to eliminate dissent
- Destroy the lives of kids with masks, no playing, no education, dumb down
- Impose an injection that is NOT a vaccine but a reprogramming of human genome     
  and behaviour, include cellular nano processors for total control
- Inject a fake vax in the people you want to keep
- Install 5G in all cities to control/kill people thru injected nano processors
- Do not treat sick people for other ailments or non Convid84 diseases
- Fake all the figures of infections, death and injection side effects
- Give the KZ owned pharmaceutical criminals a free for all, pay them billions and
  free them from any prosecution for genocide
- Pay hospitals and doctors premiums for expanding the pandemic and injections
- Protect all pedo-files and pedo-organisations
- Keep on printing money with no value to support till total devaluation
- Stop all small business from functioning, provoke total bankruptcy
- Put out new senseless non-logical laws every day
- Destroy all transport, food and necessities will become scarce
- Billions give away to all KZ multi national criminal companies
- Hand all money to banks and fake orgs IMF, UN, WHO, NATO
- Put money into non-existing nuke bombs to disappear in the pockets of the few
- Let the banks create fake digital money for a fake income that can be taken away



Sunday 13 December 2020

COVID-19 Is NOT A Coronavirus! The Best Treatment Plans Prove It.



The perpetrators of THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC
called COVID-19 a coronavirus (specifically a novel
coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2) in order to deliberately
mislead the international medical and scientific
research communities so that it would be treated
ineffectively with more profitable protocols thereby
warranting a mandatory Covid vaccine and proof
of an immunity certificate.

State of the Nation

“As an Integrative Health Consultant and Coronavirus Coach, I saw early on that COVID-19 was not a coronavirus.  My first Covid patient began presenting classic Covid symptoms during the first week of December of 2019.  Because of how resistant it was to practically every treatment we prescribed, we knew it was a NOT just a coronavirus.  With each subsequent bout, the symptom set either increased in intensity and number, or morphed into a seemingly different disease process.  That’s when we knew we were really dealing with a highly sophisticated bioweapon much like the bioengineered Lyme Disease (LD) that was released from Plum Island circa 1975.  That’s when we also knew that, what we purposefully named “Covid Syndrome”, was not really caused by a coronavirus (if a coronavirus is even present at all). 

Our original assessment was that the advanced COVID-19 bioweapon was quite likely packaged as a group of pathogenic micro-organisms.  The primary infection agent was clearly a parasite, which is why both Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are so effective when taken either as treatments for the manifesting Covid Syndrome or preventively as a prophylactic.  Everyone knows that HCQ is a silver bullet for successfully treating malaria, a mosquito-borne parasitical infection.  Likewise, Ivermectin is an FDA-approved broad spectrum anti-parasitic drug that’s routinely used to treat infections caused by roundworms, threadworms, and other parasites.  Both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are potent anti-parasitical agents which point directly to COVID-19’s primary pathogenic micro-organism being a parasite.  


However, from our clinical observations for over a year, the Covid Syndrome has also proved to be a full-blown multi-infection syndrome which, at times, demonstrates bacterial, fungal and viral symptoms as well.  Some patients even exhibit the symptoms of mycoplasmal infections similar to those U.S. military service members who contracted Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) after receiving a cocktail of highly toxic and microbial-containing vaccines.  The bottom line here is that COVID-19 is quite similar to other multi-infection syndromes such as GWS and LS especially in the way that they were both bioengineered to mutate in vivo.  That’s why every case of Covid has its own unique symptom set. 

Because we consult Covid cases in all 24 time zones, it has also become clear that distinctly different variations of the COVID-19 bioweapon have been released in those major cities that have experienced the greatest coronavirus cluster explosions worldwide.  In other words, the COVID-19 bioweapon launched in Wuhan is considerably different than the one released in Milan, Tehran, New York City, Seattle area and/or Guayaquil, Ecuador.  In this fashion, the bioterrorists have been able to launch biological attacks using various versions of COVID-19 that forever elude a truly correct diagnosis and, therefore, an effective treatment plan that produces a permanent cure is always out of reach.”

— Integrative Health Consultant and Coronavirus Coach

The preceding COVIDgate exposé is as radioactive as it gets.