Friday, 27 March 2020

Viral or Bacteriological war does not exist. MICROZYMA

The microzymas
The pathology
The energy balance
Sugar feeds cancer cells
Sugar is acidifying and therefore harmful
Sugar causes tooth decay
Sugar and diabetes
Sugar and arteritis
Sugar and obesity
Sugar and addiction
Pinworm in children in particular
The different forms of sugar we ingest


Nowadays, unanimity seems to be made between all health practitioners, whatever edge they are. Sugar would be bad, it would be a source of addiction, it would nourish cancer, it would be at the origin of diabetes, arteritis, obesity, dental caries, pinworm in children. And it would acidify the ground, easing the disease.
I'm used to being rebellious ... In any case, asking myself questions. Consensus is not scientific proof. I find it a little too easy to put all these evils on the back of this sugar, such a treat!

And then, if the sugar was that bad, why is the doctors' automatic reflex, in an emergency, to apply a glucose infusion?

Why do veterinarians and horse breeders spread animal wounds with honey to speed up healing?

If in addition we observe nature, and in particular the trees our brothers, we note very astonishing things: I propose to you two extracts from the book to appear by Brigitte SCOHY: THE WATERCOLOR OF LIFE.

It is thanks to chlorophyll that the leaf of the tree produces sugars from the water coming from the rising sap and carbon dioxide from the air. To achieve this synthesis, it needs the energy of the sun's rays. These sugars are essential for building the tissues of the tree and for its growth. This mechanism releases a gaseous residue: the oxygen we breathe! Today, many claim that sugar is bad for your health. However, sugar is life! The tree stores part of it in its trunk, branches and roots. These reserves allow it to survive the stresses that would damage it, and to build new leaves in the spring.

Mushrooms build a real network of fibers that we could compare to the internet. In their natural environment, they have the task of transmitting different messages to the trees of the forest. Unlike us humans, trees did not have the far-fetched idea of inventing money! But they use an exchange system: mushrooms transmit information in exchange for part of their sugar production. They are well paid since they receive a third of this production. All work merits salary ! ( The secret network of nature , ed. The arenas, Peter Wohlleben, p 153)

I suggest you come back to the data that official medicine has not yet integrated: the reality of microzymas, and psychosomatics. We will then see the chemistry of sugar and its interest in the dynamics of life, since it is the main fuel for microzymas. We will then resume the various accusations against sugar.


la guerre virale ou bactériologique n’existe pas. MICROZYMA

Les microzymas
La psychosomatique
La pathologie
La maladie
Le SUCRE - carburant des MICROZYMAS
Le bilan énergétique
Le sucre nourrit les cellules cancéreuses
Le sucre est acidifiant et donc néfaste
Le sucre provoque des caries dentaires
Le sucre et le diabète
Le sucre et l'artérite
Sucre et obésité
Sucre et addiction
L'oxyurose des enfants en particulier
Les différentes formes de sucre que nous ingérons


De nos jours, l’unanimité semble faite entre tous les praticiens de santé, de quelque bord qu’ils soient. Le sucre serait mauvais, il serait source d’addiction, il nourrirait le cancer, il serait à l’origine du diabète, des artérites, de l’obésité, des caries dentaires, de l’oxyurose chez les enfants. Et il acidifierait le terrain, facilitant la maladie.
J’ai l’habitude d’être rebelle… En tous cas, de me poser des questions. Un consensus n’est pas une preuve scientifique. Je trouve un peu trop facile de mettre tous ces maux sur le dos de ce sucre, un tel régal !

Et puis, si le sucre était si mauvais que ça, pourquoi le réflexe automatique des médecins, en cas d’urgence, est-il de poser une perfusion de glucose ?

Pourquoi les vétérinaires et les éleveurs de chevaux tartinent-ils de miel les plaies des animaux pour accélérer la cicatrisation ?

Si par ailleurs nous observons la nature, et en particulier les arbres nos frères, nous constatons des choses bien étonnantes : je vous propose deux extraits du livre à paraître de Brigitte SCOHY : L’AQUARELLE DE LA VIE.
C’est grâce à la chlorophylle que la feuille de l’arbre élabore des sucres à partir de l’eau en provenance de la sève montante et du gaz carbonique de l’air. Elle a besoin, pour réaliser cette synthèse, de l'énergie des rayons solaires. Ces sucres sont essentiels à la construction des tissus de l’arbre et à sa croissance. Ce mécanisme libère un résidu gazeux : l'oxygène que nous respirons ! Aujourd’hui, beaucoup prétendent que le sucre serait mauvais pour la santé. Pourtant, le sucre est la vie ! L’arbre en stocke une partie dans son tronc, ses branches et ses racines. Ces réserves lui permettent de survivre aux stress qui l’endommageraient, et de construire de nouvelles feuilles au printemps.

Les champignons construisent un véritable réseau de fibres que l’on pourrait comparer au réseau internet. Dans leur milieu naturel, ils ont la tâche de transmettre différents messages aux arbres de la forêt. Contrairement à nous autres, humains, les arbres n’ont pas eu l’idée farfelue d’inventer la monnaie ! Mais ils utilisent un système d’échange : les champignons transmettent les informations en échange d’une partie de leur production de sucre. Ils sont bien rémunérés puisqu’ils reçoivent un tiers de cette production. Tout travail mérite salaire ! (Le réseau secret de la nature, éd. Les arènes, Peter Wohlleben, p 153)

Je vous propose de revenir dans un premier temps sur les données que la médecine officielle n’a pas encore intégrées : la réalité des microzymas, et la psychosomatique. Nous verrons ensuite la chimie du sucre et son intérêt dans la dynamique de la vie, puisqu’il est le principal carburant des microzymas. Nous reprendrons ensuite les diverses accusations à l’encontre du sucre.


Pour la science officielle, la vie organisée est dépendante de la cellule. Les gênes se situent dans l’ADN que l’on peut observer au cours de multiplications cellulaires. Il existe des formes de vie primitives et adverses : les bactéries et les virus. Toutes ces notions sont des hypothèses. Elles n’ont jamais été démontrées. Elles sont admises comme des évidences, mais pourtant, elles ne sont pas scientifiques.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Here’s why they really named
it “Corona-Virus”

It’s all in the name! – The Millennium Report

Here’s why they really named
it “Corona-Virus”
State of the Nation
Coronavirus: An Alt Media definition

Coronavirus: A highly contagious and deadly virus that is put on super-steroids whenever and wherever they flip the switch on 5G … while amping up the flu vaccination programs … and chemtrailing overhead with toxin-laden aerosols that further trigger influenza symptoms. The “corona aspect” of this virus is directly related to one of the greatest silent killers of the modern age—the generation and conveyance of electricity used to power the entire planet.*

*There are multiple instances where the production and conveyance of electrical energy create a corona in high-voltage systems. The “corona discharge” can be seen as a bluish glow which is explained as follows:
A corona discharge is an electrical discharge brought
on by the ionization of a fluid such as air surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged.[1]
Much more significantly, there are also unseen (but detectable) coronas that are produced in lower voltage systems. Some of the more common examples that follow, when viewed in the aggregate, represent the invisible sea of electropollution that every human being is immersed in from cradle to grave:
(i) widespread ambient electropollution indoors,
(ii) signal ranges of electromagnetic frequencies necessary for 3G and 4G networks (e.g. cell towers),
(iii) high-level radio-frequencies and microwave radiation emitted by 5G power grids (e.g. microwave towers),
(iv) stray voltage from both transmission lines and overhead power lines,
(v) generation and conveyance of energy from nuclear, coal-fired and hydroelectric power plants,
(vi) electrical substation and transformers.
Because every resident of Earth is exposed to all of these types of EMFs and EMR to varying degrees, each individual will develop some level of electrosensitivity over the course of their lifetime. Some unfortunate folks will even experience full-blown Electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome.
Once the city of Wuhan, China was established as an official 5G Demonstration Zone, all of the residents became exposed to the highest levels of radio-frequencies and microwaves necessary to activate a fully operational 5G network. Not only that, Wuhan was also being set up to be a model Smart City as it was undergoing an accelerated urban build-out of the Internet of Things. In point of fact, their exposure to all sorts of electrical coronas were reaching unprecedented levels, but it was the 5G activation that really set them ‘aglow’.
Corona = Radiation
Exactly what is a corona according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary?
Answer: See the dictionary entry in blue highlight below located at 2.(d).