Monday, 28 November 2016

Every Finger Is Connected to 2 Organs: Japanese Methods of Curing in 5 Minutes!

It’s well documented that Japanese people have an extremely effective way of healing sickness and injuries. What we are about to show you will help you treat and cure many different ailments, very simply using their techniques.
The best thing about this healing technique is that it only takes 5 MINUTES!

Japanese experts have suggested that every finger is hooked up to two separate body organs. Jin Shin Jitsu system as its known is very powefull!
The technique is of ancient Japanese descent, a culmination of the societal art which was surfacing.
It will no doubt help you in your healing and will balance emotions due to the stimulation of certain points on the body.
That balance is very significant for the physical and emotional health of a certain person.

This powerful ancient technique will help you to access certain body organs by holding a finger for only 3-5 minutes.
You should breathe deeply in and out and afterwards, you should massage the fingers on both hands. The whole procedure lasts for around 3 minutes.

Below is an explanation of the technique that will show you all the connections between the fingers and the body organs:

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Athens: Cradle of Pedophilia and Mind Control (not in schoolbooks)

Athens, supposedly the cradle of Democracy, was the most perfect mind-control-based totalitarian state in Antiquity.

Their sodomy-based mind control was the model for Illuminati control throughout history, including the British Empire and the United States today. 

"Only after seven years beginning before puberty were you entitled to citizenship.  But once you were received as such a citizen you no longer had any will of your own, your whole body and therefore your whole brain, your own soul was possessed by the state, exactly like in the MK-Ultra program of the CIA. "  -
Democracy is supposed to have been born in ancient Athens.  Many people say we should go back to the Athenian model of direct, not representative democracy.

However, only about 2% of the people  were enabled citizens. Most working people being either slaves, either, more frequently, guest workers. The whole of Attica comprised about 600 000 adults; there were maybe 6 000 citizens enabled to vote and discuss laws during the feast days, far less actually in daily practice.

Saturday, 5 November 2016


pH is Vital for Whole Body Health

At the first mention of acidity and alkalinity, eyes glaze over. After all, these terms sound somewhat scientific, and vague memories of junior high science class and litmus paper changing color may come to mind. However, the balance between acidity and alkalinity, and its importance, can be explained quite simply and should be explained. This balance is essential to good health.

The Basics

Every solution is either acidic or alkaline. (Alkaline is often called "base.") These solutions can be anything from body fluids, such as stomach acid and blood, to beverages, such as wine or coffee, to sea water. Acidity and alkalinity are measured in pH (potential of hydrogen). The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 0 the most acidic, and 14 the most alkaline. The pH of stomach acid is 1, wine is 3.5, water is 7 (neutral), venous blood is 7.35, arterial blood is 7.4, sea water is 8.5, and baking soda is 12. Ideally, our pH should stay on the alkaline side: between 7.35 and 7.45. Keeping our acidity and alkalinity balanced means regulating the hydrogen ion concentration in our body fluids. An acid is a molecule or ion (an ion is an atom that carries a positive or negative electric charge) that can contribute a hydrogen ion to a solution. An alkalizing substance is one that contains a molecule or ion that combines with hydrogen ions to remove them from a solution_it neutralizes acids and acts as a buffer.

The Misconceptions

Foods are classified as acid-forming or alkalizing depending on the effect they have on the body. An acid-forming food contributes hydrogen ions to the body, making it more acidic. An alkalizing food removes hydrogen ions from the body, making it more alkaline. It is important to note that this classification is based on the effect foods have on the body after digestion, not on their own intrinsic acidity or alkalinity (or how they taste to us). A common misconception is that if a food tastes acidic, it has an acid-forming effect on the body. This is not necessarily true. Very often, an acidic-tasting food is alkalizing. Citric fruits are a good example. People say that lemons, for example, are "too acidic"; however, they are actually alkalizing because the minerals they leave behind after digestion help remove hydrogen ions, decreasing the acidity of the body. (Many people use the term "residue" or "ash" to explain the effect of a food on the body. A food with an acid ash after digestion contributes hydrogen ions, making the body more acidic; a food with an alkaline ash after digestion removes hydrogen ions, making the body more alkaline.) Another misconception is that acid-forming foods are "bad." This is not correct; acidity and alkalinity are opposites and one is not intrinsically better than the other. This misconception has developed because the North American diet is excessively acidic, which does result in health problems.
Common acid-forming foods include processed junk foods and those that are high in animal protein. Some common alkalizing foods are spinach, soybeans, raisins, carrots, and most citrus fruits.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."          
~ Thomas Edison